Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Sitting at my desk on an average March day - early afternoon.  City maintenance vehicles can be heard banging away on the street 11 floors below as I plod along with my work.  The squeak of some un-greased mechanical connection can be heard above the din that sounds suspiciously like an Osprey.

It sounds remarkably like the Ospreys we see nesting along the Florida Gulf coast when we visit there.  Would be really nice to be there....and not here.  Anywhere (almost) but here.

The cruising blogs I read daily and the wallpaper filling the screen with full sails and blue water just isn't cutting it.  I need to get away.  For awhile.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Winter walk

We've been a bit stir crazy lately.  Between work, (work and more work),  2 ft of snow confining us to the plowed/cleared pavement and our pup trying to make up for her yard being turned into a frozen tundra by running through the house - we were ready for some play time.  We took Kaia for a walk up to Fairfield Hills to see if the trails were cleared.  While I admire the town's optimism and enthusiasm in promoting outdoor activity, I'm thinking they might be a bit premature on little league spring training:

Play Ball!

This is more like it!!:

Not sure the phone camera captured it well, but the sky was darkening creating a terrific contrast with the white snow on the roof of one of the old buildings:

Saturday, January 22, 2011


1995-1996 was the snowiest winter in NY and CT.  According to the local meteorologist, we are on pace to match that.  Here are some pics to demonstrate:

The grill knobs were eventually buried by 27" of snow
Kaia wishes she was potty trained.

Now try the back stroke!

After a few weeks the snow is still deep.  The hard, icy crust let's Kaia run on top.

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