Sunday, February 26, 2012

Changes are a coming...

It was a surprise - although perhaps shouldn't have been a shock.  We are expecting.

While we are both on board with the coming changes to our lives, I'm struggling a bit more with the sea change our lives will be taking.  I admit it:  I'm selfish.  I like to be able to do what I want when I want and I'd like to keep it that way.  I like making the steady progress we have towards financial goals (must be the planner in me):  to retire early with a paid off mortgage and travel the world on a sailboat.

The foundation of my world - as it currently is - is about to be swallowed up like it was built on quicksand.

Looks like I'm going to have to modify those goals/dreams a bit (a lot).  While doable - it'll take a lot more sacrifice, work and time.  This is what I'm struggling with.  That and (confession time) I'm not overly fond of kids.  Never was - even when I was a kid.

And forget about the whole childbirth thing.  When I was a volunteer EMT I'd offer to drive on maternity calls.  In my mind:  It just ain't right.  Something that big should not come out of there.  Can't help but think of Alien.

Don't get me wrong - I love my nieces and nephews...but I also like handing them back afterwards.  There is no "handing back" when it's your own.  Folks say "it's different when it's your own".  I'm counting on that as apparently there is no return policy.

We are in nesting mode.  Our home is a whirlwind of cleaning, organizing and minor home renovation projects.  I'm off to cross off a few items on the list....

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